How to keep a Premium Subscription once you’re issued a coupon code

SurgicalPerformance has been growing quickly, and recently we’ve announced a few partnerships with institutions and societies that are subsiding SurgicalPerformance to their members and Surgeons.

If you are a paying Premium SurgicalPerformance user who would like to benefit from your institution’s or society’s subsidies but are not sure how to do this, read on.

If you’d like to go from being a paying customer to using a coupon code you’ve been issued, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to
  2. At the top right of the screen click “profile”
  3. Unlock with PIN if applicable
  4. To the right of the screen is a summary of your current subscription, there is an option to “unsubscribe” – click this and follow steps to cancel any payments

No further payments will be deducted. Please be aware that SurgicalPerformance will continue to recognise you as a Premium user until your most recent payment expires. After that date, you will automatically return to a Lite subscription. The system will now prompt you to “upgrade now” to premium.

  1. Click any of the “upgrade now” prompts
  2. Instead of payment details – use the coupon code provided by Institute. This will re-subscribe you to premium.

Also note that this process will not cause any of your data to be lost.