NEW: Institutional subscription

For us at SurgicalPerformance, our primary responsibility is always with the individual surgeon. We realise that treatment outcomes are the result of a complex interaction between patient factors, disease factors and treatment factors.

In addition, to our commitment to O&G specialists and trainees we recently launched an institutional subscription type, which allows O&G Departments to come on board and compare themselves with other departments.

Departments and Institutions have no way to access data on their individual O&G specialists or trainees. Confidentiality for individual doctors is our key priority and that is cemented. SurgicalPerformance will never reveal the doctor’s or the patient’s identity. Many O&G colleagues call SurgicalPerformance “the most surgeon-friendly audit tool I have ever come across”.

However, the new institution subscription allows O&G departments to compare their own surgical outcomes against surgical outcomes from other departments beyond organisational boundaries.

In November 2014 we welcomed The Sunshine Coast Private Hospital as an institutional subscription and engagements with other hospital care facilities are planned for this year.

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