I am unable to review reports!

In order to review outcomes you need to have registered a valid institution/location and all mandatory data fields (signed with *) need to be complete. To name an institution/location you need to be logged in; click on “INSTITUTIONS/LOCATIONS”, and “ADD INSTITUTION/LOCATION”. You can add one or more current institutions/locations.

To review outcomes click on the “REPORTS” button (4th button on the top header) and select your module (e.g., “Gynaecology” or “Obstetrics”). In order to view reports, you need to select one option from each of the four pull down menus.

Report Group – you can chose to review reports on general patient information, general outcomes, or a specific procedure. Selecting one group of reports will determine the choice of outcome variables in the window to the right (“OUTCOME”).

Outcome – chose the outcome you are interested in

Institution/Location – chose one of your nominated institutions/locations

Time frame – chose between four time periods. Only cases within these time periods will be counted